Every morning I start my day under the ‘belly of the beast’, hand milking our cow (or cows, depending on the time of year). While I am milking, I rest my head against the flank of the cow, feeling her warmth, her breath, tuned into her emotional state, as she is also tuned into mine.
I love the personalities of our cows.
I love that they can provide milk for myself and my family.
I love that their manure plays an important role in adding fertility to our gardens and pastures.
I love how they keep me grounded and connected to the natural world, offering windows into the way that they perceive everything around them.
Together we enter a state of meditation; the cow relaxing, letting down her milk and chewing her cud, and me, thinking about what I need to accomplish for the day, or perhaps fleshing out a project in my mind that I need to put into form at a later time.
There are those times, however, when I just open myself to being in the presence of my cow, communing with her and slowing down, one milk stream at a time. Those times can be magical; I see my cows as wise Zen Masters and when I relax I can become a part of their centered energy. I find answers to questions I didn’t even know I had.
There are times when friends come to visit - either for a quick chat, or to take a spot under one of the cows and dive into their own world of mystery. Our conversations are often filled with laughter and it is not uncommon to find ourselves getting launched into topics that are heartfelt; inspiring us to be better human beings.
Ahhh...those cows are amazing teachers and facilitators.
Until next time,
Lisa McCrory, Earthwise Farm & Forest, Bethel, VT
