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Lisa McCrory consulting

A systems thinker with an interest in a 'Whole Farm Approach' to land and livestock stewardship, Lisa has been involved in sustainable, organic, and biodynamic agriculture since the late 1980's. Lisa is also a Dowser, Potter and Reiki practitioner and has been incorporating these interests into her farming and spiritual life for many years.


Lisa works as a private consultant, speaker, teacher & writer, offering services in Whole Farm Planning and Grazing Consulting services for pasture-based dairy, beef, small ruminants, hogs, poultry, and diversified livestock operations. She manages Earthwise Farm & Forest with her children, were they raise and sell certified organic, pasture-raised meat & milk, vegetables, flowers, and offer on-farm workshops throughout the year.




Professional Experience/History:


Lisa started her career path in Management Intensive Grazing and Holistic Management  while working for Dr. Bill Murphy (Author of 'Greener Pastures On Your Side of the Fence') at the University of Vermont from 1990- 1995. As a grazing researcher and consultant for UVM's Pasture Management Outreach Program (PMOP), she worked closely with dairy and beef producers in developing grazing plans, getting introduced to Holistic Management (c), seasonal dairying, creating business plans & enterprise analyses, and livestock health and nutrition.


From 1996 - 2009, Lisa worked for NOFA Vermont in their Dairy and Livestock Technical Assistance Program where she served the growing number of certified organic livestock operations in Vermont. During her time at NOFA Vermont, Lisa co-authored and led a number of NESARE granted projects that provided opportunities for on-farm research, education, farmer-to-farmer mentoring, and professional development in the areas of livestock health & nutrition, grazing management, soil nutrient management, and farmer case studies.


From 2001- 2014 Lisa worked for the Northeast Organic Dairy Producers Alliance, starting as the NODPA Coordinator, and transitioning to the Editor & Advertising Manager for the 'NODPA News' publication.


From 2010 - 2015, Lisa was a farmer mentor and teacher for Holistic Management International's (HMI) Beginning Women Farmers program in VT, sharing her knowledge and expertise in Management Intensive Grazing and mentoring farmers as they learned about Holistic Management and applied it to their farm operation.


Along with expanding the opportunities and offerings at Earthwise Farm & Forest, Lisa continues to consult privately and offers classes at Earthwise Farm & Forest when time allows. Visit the current class offerings by going HERE.


Contact Lisa -

Phone/Text 802-353-5039



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