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On Farm Education

Classes offered for 2019

Butter, Yogurt & Cheese Making

Sunday, March 17th from 1-4:30 pm

  • Learn a few different ways to make yogurt - successfully and consistently.

  • Get introduced to a couple different soft cheeses that are easy and fun to make.

  • Learn the tricks for making delicious butter and using butter molds.

  • Have fun learning with others in an intimate setting; get ready to laugh and taste some delicious creations.

Class will include a handout. Cheese cultures, yogurt cultures, citric acid, butter muslin cloth and organic grass-fed  raw milk will be for sale, so you can start creating delicious treats for friends and family right away.

Cost: $40 per person, $75 for 2 people

* Please bring a couple small containers and a cooler in case you have some cheese/butter samples to bring home, or you decide to purchase some milk or cultures.



Management Intensive Grazing for the Diversified Farm

Date: Sunday, May 5th from 10 am - 4 pm


Management Intensive Grazing, also known as ‘Rational Grazing’, is a form of grazing management that can improve pasture forage yields, improve feed quality, increase plant species diversity, improve livestock performance, build organic matter & soil nutrient levels, and increase the biological life in your soil. By taking weather, biology, ecology, livestock management, and technology (ie electric fencing, water systems) into consideration you can make your grazing system a success on your farm.

This class will provide instruction for setting up a successful grazing system on a diversified farm, using poultry, horses, cows, sheep, goats and/or pigs. Participants will be introduced to fencing & water system designs, and movable structures for hogs, poultry, and small ruminants, and will learn how to determine daily feed needs of various types of livestock.


Cost: $70 per person, $130 for 2 people

- Handout and digital resources included






Spiritual Gardening: Dowsing & Agriculture

Sunday, March 24th from 1 - 4:30 pm

Dowsing Definition: Dowsing is the search for information by means of a hand-held instrument and faculties beyond the five physical senses. It involves higher levels of mind and spirit, energies beyond the simply electromagnetic, and both transmission and detection of subtle energies.

This hands-on workshop will incorporate the joys of farming/gardening/animal husbandry with some tools and ideas to assist in connecting with the unseen energetic intelligences, creating an environment of spiritual exploration and co-creation. With the use of some common dowsing tools, participants will come away with an understanding of the limitless potential of dowsing and the spiritual approaches to farming, gardening, and working with animals.


Cost: $45 per person, $80 for 2 people




The Family Cow

Date: Sunday, April 14th from 12:30 - 5:00 pm


This class is designed to help you navigate the new and exciting world of owning and caring for a family cow & calf.


* Animal Health

* Grazing Management

* Calf Care

* Animal Nutrition

* Breeds and Breeding

* Housing and Husbandry

* Marketing your milk: raw milk regulations in VT

Class will include hands-on learning and  will provide you with a listing of useful books, and resources that can supply you with the feed, supplies, and other items that you will want to have in your First-Aid Kit.

Cost: $60 per person, $110 for 2 people



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